Në maj të vitit 2024, përfaqësuesit e Shoqatës së të Drejtave të Pacientëve në Kosovë (PRAK), bashkë me Shoqatën e Diabetit të Pejës dhe
The Role of Institutions and Associations – Regional Experience 17 and 18 October 2016 Prishtina, Hotel ‘Sirius’ Concept for the Conference and Program
Health Insurance Are Starting!? The Patients’ Rights Association in Kosovo – PRAK, supported by Solidar Suisse in Kosovo, is organizing a round table on
On the websites of these organizations it is distributed the news that the PRAK Association has opened the complaint office of Kosovar patients. This
ProCredit Bank (Pristina Branch)
PRAK Kosova
Skenderbeu n.n.