The Role of Institutions and Associations – Regional Experience

17 and 18 October 2016 Prishtina, Hotel ‘Sirius’  

Concept for the Conference and Program

The Non-Governmental Organization for Protecting Patients’ Rights in Kosovo – PRAK, was established in 2013, and from the moment of its establishment has engaged in the promotion of patients’ rights in Kosovo.

PRAK has been trained to create and develop values in terms of promoting and protecting patient’s rights, and also possesses all necessary potential for developing the association and supporting the philosophy of “A patient-centred healthcare”

Patients in Kosovo and in the region as well, are living in a ruthless environment, which is contaminated by corruption, bribery and other negative phenomenon which significantly affects the implementation of a patient’s fundamental rights in healthcare.

Kosovo through PRAK, has undertaken several successful actions toward protecting patient’s rights, whereby in 2015 in partnership with UNDP have established the Protector for Patient’s Rights, in order to promote and protect patients’ rights. In order to further promote this project, and exchange experiences with similar organization in the region and beyond, PRAK will, supported by UNDP, organize a conference.

Objectives of the Conference

Find an optimal solution which would fulfil the patients’ fundamental needs based on the chapter of the European Union.

The project should particularly support Health and Education institutions in:

  • Developing health institutions in the field of patients rights protection in the view of supporting patients need
  • Developing the role of associations promoting patient’s rights,
  • Developing professional capacities in order to comprehend problems in protecting patient’s rights

Purpose of the conference

The conference will be a regional forum for exchanging knowledge, experience, policies and practices during the implementation of reform in similar organizations, whose representatives will participate in the conference. We expect that experiences exchanged with similar organizations in the region will allow to easily identify and formulate the recommendation for the future work in the field of protecting patient’s rights.

Specific purposes of the conference:

  •  Analysing key points, and important factors in the deinstitutionalisation process
  • Presenting positive examples in the development of community services
  • Formulate recommendations for further actions with the purpose of continuity in the field of patient’s rights protection.


The conference will be attended by policymakers/decision-makers from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, representatives of social welfare institutions, service providers, experts of similar organizations in the region from the field of patients’ rights protection, representatives of civil society, and EU representatives in Kosovo. In addition to representatives from CAN, EPF and IAPO, other international representatives, who are active in the field of patient’s rights protection, will also be invited. Simultaneous translation in Albanian, Serbian and English language will be provided. Topics of the conference During the two days of the conference, work will be organised in combination – panel presentation and working group discussions.

Discussion related to ensuring reform process continuity shall be organized with the working groups. Being aware of the problems faced by the patients during their recovery, such as bribery, corruption, conflict of interest, review of complaints, and specific experiences of associations dealing with protection of patients rights in the region, we hope that the working groups will contribute to the formulation of guidelines that will contribute to a more efficient linkage to education, prevention and protection of patient’s right.


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The Role of Institutions and Associations – Regional Experience 17 and 18 October 2016 Prishtina, Hotel ‘Sirius’   Concept for the Conference and Program

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